Friday, February 15, 2013


I knew about this when I first moved here from Miami, FL 8 -10 years ago. There is such a high concentrated amount of non-profits in the area, that if you attempt to apply for a 501c-3, they will give you a "preliminary" status due to the amount of fraud in the area. It's like they have to monitor you first to make sure you don't use it for anything illegal. The real issue is that non-profits don't pay taxes and if 20% of the City doesn't pay legally, that's a big hole in the budget; and PA law dictates non-profits can't be charged taxes. So, now we ask NICELY and hope the larger non-profits will donate/contribute something. I am unsure why we don't just roll up our sleeves and cultivate value within the City instead of always looking elsewhere. Until we find the value within our boundaries, we will always stay a "slave to the rhythm"....,0,4245823.story

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