Thursday, April 2, 2009

Keeping It Real For the Masses

So, locally, in Allentown, PA, the word on the street is that we are broke. I mean, not broke as in pockets that are turned inside out, but broke as in, not having the money we were TOLD we were going to have; broke to the point where the Mayor has said EVERYTHING is on the table and no one is safe; broke to the point where people in City Hall are afraid of losing THEIR jobs; and broke to the point where private meetings are being held because they don't want us to know exactly how broke the City REALLY is. It looks like Allentown may need a "hustle" of its' own to get by...
And to add insult to injury, we may not be receiving any of the millions of dollars in stimulus money available for "shovel ready" projects because, frankly, we don't have anything that is "shovel ready". So much for the Allentown leaders being organized, prepared, and poised for the future. If we ran our jobs like this city is being managed, we would've been FIRED like yesterday!
Now, all we can do is hope that there are some crumbs left over and maybe something will trickle down to us. Please, bow your heads and let us pray..(that none of our bridges collapse while waiting for these funds).

Internationally, there was a big deal made of Michelle Obama "touching" Queen Elizabeth during the royal ceremony. Apparently, this is a big no-no. But what's worse, is that the Queen touched her affectionately, first. (Oh the horror!)
I believe the Queen was finally happy that some REAL people in a leadership role came to her spot, hooked her up with an I-pod, and didn't kiss her "pomp and circumstance." Again, much ado about nothing. People are starving, being killed, losing homes, and being crippled by debt, and all the news can focus on are two women sharing a warm and genuine moment.

Lastly, for those who hunger for some raw and uncensored spoken word, also known as rap, there is a new site available known as Five Minutes of Fame, ( that is "off the chain!" Every month 9-10 local entertainers will be showcasing their talent, whether dancing, singing, spitting i.e. rapping, etc and YOU can vote on who YOU believe is the best! Go take a look. I will say Parental Guidance may be advised due to language and subject matter, but if you allow your kids to look at the movie "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle", does it really matter?

- J. Black


Bernie O'Hare said...

As one of the masses, welcome! I'll be linked to you by week's end and will be sure to give you a shout out.

michael molovinsky said...

i received a comment to my blog which i think concerns you, it may be a personal insult, which i don't care to be a vehicle for, please let me know if it is.

i thank you for adopting this comment format, i will be back later and comment about the business climate in allentown

michael molovinsky said...

alfonso and i became the odd couple on a couple of issues; young black promoter and old jewish landlord. but what we perceived in allentown was the unlevel playing field in business and real estate. one owner would be given promotions and grants, while another only got zoning hassles for his effort and investment. the city historically has a poor record in real estate, while they spent millions over decades in the first three blocks of 7th st., a minority owned (mostly hispanic) business district developed in the 500 and 600 block of 7th with no public assistance. while a mothballed building last used in the 40's was promoted at 7th and hamilton, the modern one across the street had its tenants evicted (alfonso among them). while a brewpub was given uncountable assistance, a minority operated club was shut down (catch 22). certainly trinkles cafe could be also counted among the victims of this mentality. our low income people and the places they patronize just a disposal nuisance? to be fair and honest, i'm certainly not an advocate for the low-income. i personally feel allentown has become somewhat of a poverty magnet, and someone even called my views racist. ( I believe unfairly). alfonso has written very well about the reality of allentown's demographics, and how the community suffers for not embracing opportunities that may be less glamorous than the new cosmopolitan restaurant for the symphony hall crowd. i suspect this blog will also champion that point.

dick nepon said...

That is the truth (what the article says), but more important, is we are intellectually broke. The administration has no plan beyond trying to attract people through massive give-aways. We need a plan to re-create Allentown as a destination with a differentiated identification, serving an under-served large market. I have made such a plan and offer it up as a reason to vote for me. See my Blog and facebook page for elucidation.