Friday, April 10, 2009

Jump Up To Get Beat Down....

Locally, the buzz in the street is about how City Councilman Michael Donovan got "rocked" in Bucky Boyle Park, in Allentown, PA, where the Weed and Seed Program headquarters is located. Now according to the press, he was leaving a youth meeting at the organization and saw 3 young people, aged 16 to 20, playing with a go-cart on the park's baseball diamond. The go-carts are illegal in A-town. So, after getting in his car to leave, he stopped near the guys and told them they shouldn't have the vehicle in the park. Apparently, some words were exchanged and then Donovan was sucker-punched in the face. On FACEBOOK he wrote that he had a possible broken jaw but was okay...
My people, my people...look, there are many different ways to look at this incident but only one right way to judge it. I've heard some say, he should've let the police handle it; minded his own business and kept it moving; etc but there still is no rational reason for him to get "clocked" as he did.
I don't know how he approached the fella's or what he said to them and in what manner, but, my boy, Alfonso Todd a.k.a Fonzo, told me that Michael Donovan, from his experience, wasn't the kind of man that would "come out of his neck" or say anything rude to anyone in this situation. I do know that some A-town youth do have a problem with authority and discipline. This younger generation is not impressed by age, status, or persona. There is definitely an "us versus them" mentality, on both sides of the spectrum in the community, which has only been widened with this occurence.
But, in all reality, incidents like this, happen everyday. It's an assault which became widespread news because it happened to a publicly known city official. While many are shaking their heads in disbelief and contempt for A-town youth, I hope the "leaders" will now see how important and vital it is to do more than dismiss the urban young people and create "feel good" programs. It's a testament to our society when a man of wisdom (he's a college professor) who was attempting to prevent the kids from getting in trouble, ends up getting knocked down for offering them advice.....

-J. Black

1 comment:

Driven to win for GOD said...

sorry to hear got got jacked in his jaw..LOL
