Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Resse Johnson. "The Avenue Boy", Out of Southwest, Philadelphia. 1 out of the 3 members from the secular Underground Hip-Hop group, "D.A.B". D.A.B Consist of L.A Brown, Nelson Folwer, and Resse Johnson. Resse Johnson, Now Reborn in the Light of Jesus Christ; has been composing Hip-Hop music for over 10 years. Growing up in a perverse society without a father and a mother who was addicted to drugs; Resse Johnson was forced to mature in life at a very young age. Resse grew up doing whatever it took to achieve that next level of success; From conducting himself in illegal activities such as selling drugs, to a variety of other methods in pertaining to money in order to survive on the urban streets of Philadelphia. Reese Johnson, Minister of the Gospel; continues to conquer the giants on the narrow path of Jesus Christ through his musical talents. His past transgressions in life are given as testimony to the world that no matter how wretched your past had been; you are forgiven and redeemed from your sins through the blood and crucifixion of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. >..Quote From Resse Johnson :.... .."I am a born again Christian and I am not ashamed of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ. I was given another chance at life through the blood of My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and now in everything that I do I try my best to please God and through my music is how I Glorify the Lord. The Lord is taking me all around the world. To a city near you, to spread the good news about Jesus Christ to all who need's love, healing, deliverance, redemption and more importantly, salvation. Jesus Christ want's the best for you! and through my music you will receive his love, trust me. I am a christian rapper who delivers a good sound. I pray that all of you who listen to my music, are inspired to come to the light of Jesus Christ. I DONT DO THIS FOR THE MONEY OR FAME I DO THIS SO ALL WILL GLORIFY HIS NAME JESUS CHRIST. LIKE I SAID BEFORE IM NOT A RAPPER IM JUST ANOTHER LIGHT TO A DARK WORLD MY JOB IS TO MAKE JESUS FAMOUS YA DIGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JASON FROM CHURCHTOAST.COM ASKED ME WHEN I REACH PLATINUM HOW WILL I FEEL OR THINK I SAID WITH A SMILE ON MY FACE THAT MEANS I REACHED 1 MILLION SOULS FOR THE KINGDOM SO LETS GET IT RESSEJOHNSON ..

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