Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I keep getting questions and comments about last night's election defeat so I guess it needs to be addressed.

This morning as I was walking down Turner Street pushing my daughter Tallis in her stroller, I noticed something: although I didn't make it on to City Council and lost royally, might I add, there was a slight change in the atmosphere when it came to my thought process. Yes, I know that I am ALWAYS preaching about being self-sufficient and empowered but as I walked by my neighbors and their children, I knew this message is needed now more than ever. 

   I, also, realized that the same problems with the City still existed, the same apathy still covered Allentown like a shroud, (the voter turnout was one of the lowest, only 11% of the registered Democratic voters came out) and the same people are still in their designated locations. I say designated because I have now run the gamut and have seen and learned more about A-town's political landscape than I would ever hope to and it's a special world to say the least. I say kudos to those who are willing to "bend", "give and take", and "maneuver". I, also, realized that as I looked into the faces of those on City Council and the individuals in those "circles" that perhaps they are more imprisoned than they are powerful or influential. I don't know how the City Council "game "is played but I do know that Allentown is no better, people are no happier, the economy is in a speculative mode, and many are still in the dark about the future.  How much "power" does the Council actually have and how are they wielding it?

I am unsure, but I know how much I have and know exactly how I will be using it. In fact, everyone has a certain amount of power and influence but many don't know how to utilize it or even that it exists. THIS is my job. I need to teach and reach everyone who makes up the residential fabric and show them how to become more than the City expects or even to realize official titles and buildings mean nothing if people are still hungry, jobless, disenfranchised, uneducated, and apathetic. 

As far as the REASONS for my loss, they range from PARKING TICKET GATE / to my association with ex-felons to not having enough funds to do mailers, etc etc.  In my mind, it doesn't matter. I only hope it shows the residents that ANYONE can run and do "something" when it comes to community involvement. Allentown needs
 DO-ERS, MOVERS and SHAKERS who are unafraid of the status-quo and are willing to jump into the fray whether they have the finances or influence. 

I guess the scariest thing about this election situation is that it added "fuel to my fire" and showed / reminded me that I never needed permission to do anything I have done in Allentown for over the past 10 years and don't plan on asking for anyone's permission now. Remember, the administration works for us, not the other way around....

Some may say this sounds alot like "sour grapes" and I wish I could afford to be a sore loser, but the reality is the Allentown population is in a distressed mode that needs thoughtful / insightful leaders and winners.  


Now, let's get to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i wonder did yoy realy loose because of your listed reasons? well i beg to differ! alfonso you lost because this beautiful community lacks apathy, they are numb to anyrhung that does not consist of ibtainig employment, keeping a roof over their head and there personal and family safety. your trying to teach them that through involvement and extending ones concerns is benificial for true growth is like talking to a wall sometimes.