Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I didn't lose, people just don't care....

I guess my only question is if only 11% of Allentown's registered Democratic voters voted (the lowest historic turnout was 8%), then did I really lose an election or have people just stopped caring? It has been proven that we have issues with our schools, neighborhoods, leadership, etc. It has been reported, blogged about, gone viral, televised and many people know, somewhat, about the issues Allentown is facing but most are willing to shrug their shoulders and walk away. What caused this sense of indifference or feeling of hopelessness? It didn't happen overnight. It took years of procedures, policies, and decisions being made without the public's rightful input, years of resident non-engagement, and years of Allentown leadership (no matter what organization, group, or title) complacency and only being willing to do "just enough".

The question was, also, asked about why there was such low voter participation even though it seemed the issues had the public riled up and angry? Well, I believe the resident accusations, arguments, and revealed issues regarding City Council were  equivalent to a couple arguing in front of their child. A young person will react one of two ways when he/she is witness to the constant bickering. They will become argumentative and disruptive themselves or they will shut down emotionally and become depressed. We live in a depressed City right now.

 The bigger issue is what can be done to battle the apparent apathy that has over taken Allentown?

I plan on cultivating people with ingenuity, a mind to work, planning skills, a sense of coordination, creativity, etc through out the City of Allentown so that we can become ALLENTOWNIANS AGAINST APATHY. No, this is not another wanna-be non-profit or organization that will be trolling for grants and donations, this is going to be an ever growing self-sufficient group that will be engaging the the City residents and finding out their needs and reporting these issues back to the "powers that be". We will, also, be assisting in the creation of entertaining and educating events that will be held throughout the Lehigh Valley, as well as promoting other events that will expose our residents to positive and informative opportunities.

If it has to start somewhere, let it begin with me...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I keep getting questions and comments about last night's election defeat so I guess it needs to be addressed.

This morning as I was walking down Turner Street pushing my daughter Tallis in her stroller, I noticed something: although I didn't make it on to City Council and lost royally, might I add, there was a slight change in the atmosphere when it came to my thought process. Yes, I know that I am ALWAYS preaching about being self-sufficient and empowered but as I walked by my neighbors and their children, I knew this message is needed now more than ever. 

   I, also, realized that the same problems with the City still existed, the same apathy still covered Allentown like a shroud, (the voter turnout was one of the lowest, only 11% of the registered Democratic voters came out) and the same people are still in their designated locations. I say designated because I have now run the gamut and have seen and learned more about A-town's political landscape than I would ever hope to and it's a special world to say the least. I say kudos to those who are willing to "bend", "give and take", and "maneuver". I, also, realized that as I looked into the faces of those on City Council and the individuals in those "circles" that perhaps they are more imprisoned than they are powerful or influential. I don't know how the City Council "game "is played but I do know that Allentown is no better, people are no happier, the economy is in a speculative mode, and many are still in the dark about the future.  How much "power" does the Council actually have and how are they wielding it?

I am unsure, but I know how much I have and know exactly how I will be using it. In fact, everyone has a certain amount of power and influence but many don't know how to utilize it or even that it exists. THIS is my job. I need to teach and reach everyone who makes up the residential fabric and show them how to become more than the City expects or even to realize official titles and buildings mean nothing if people are still hungry, jobless, disenfranchised, uneducated, and apathetic. 

As far as the REASONS for my loss, they range from PARKING TICKET GATE / http://www.wfmz.com/news/news-regional-lehighvalley/Alfonso-Todd-pays-fine-to-put-parking-tickets-in-rear-view-mirror/-/132502/19018994/-/i9yc9b/-/index.html to my association with ex-felons to not having enough funds to do mailers, etc etc.  In my mind, it doesn't matter. I only hope it shows the residents that ANYONE can run and do "something" when it comes to community involvement. Allentown needs
 DO-ERS, MOVERS and SHAKERS who are unafraid of the status-quo and are willing to jump into the fray whether they have the finances or influence. 

I guess the scariest thing about this election situation is that it added "fuel to my fire" and showed / reminded me that I never needed permission to do anything I have done in Allentown for over the past 10 years and don't plan on asking for anyone's permission now. Remember, the administration works for us, not the other way around....

Some may say this sounds alot like "sour grapes" and I wish I could afford to be a sore loser, but the reality is the Allentown population is in a distressed mode that needs thoughtful / insightful leaders and winners.  


Now, let's get to work!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The PROBLEM with City Council Candidate ALFONSO TODD ....

"Honestly, I have been told that I am an arrogant, non-conforming, emotional, prideful, non-traditional, transplant who has "rubbed" alot of people the wrong way while championing the city of Allentown and its' residents."

When I first began my campaign on January 1st of 2013, I knew it would be different. My baby daughter, Tallis, had, literally, just been released from Sacred Heart Hospital after a chilling life / death situation. (high fever, unconsciousness,  running through the snow into the ER... you get the picture.) In my mind, that was an omen to push forward and that's exactly what we did.....

Soon after, came the threats of blackmail and continued accusations of being a criminal-minded individual who believed I was above the law because of outstanding parking tickets and warrants which were paid immediately, once they were discovered. http://www.wfmz.com/news/news-regional-lehighvalley/Alfonso-Todd-pays-fine-to-put-parking-tickets-in-rear-view-mirror/-/132502/19018994/-/i9yc9b/-/index.html
The funny thing is, these people were relentless about  smearing my name, my partner's name, and even my former associate's name. It seems my biggest crime against humanity, was associating myself with an 
ex-felon who they insinuated was a danger to the attendees of the positive community events that we produced in the past. What they didn't know was that, during inside affairs, this individual went downstairs, onto the first floor, and manned the door while the women and children enjoyed the festivities on the fifth floor; what they didn't know is that he has started an organization called Ex-Cons For Change Within - an outreach program to help other individuals integrate back into society; and what they didn't know was that the reason people tend to follow, respect and support me is that I believe in bringing out the best in people and allowing them to shine and discover their gifts, not judge and tear them down even further. Whether people like it or not, this individual, as well as hundreds like him, make up the fabric of Allentown and must be approached and assisted. They can either be part of the problem or the solution when it comes to the renaissance of Allentown, PA.

 I took the accusations in stride because I realized that as long as they called attention to me for what they felt were negative reasons, I knew that most people would dig deeper and discover this: http://www.wfmz.com/news/news-regional-lehighvalley/A-march-to-end-violence-and-homelessness/-/132502/9097648/-/138gmjg/-/index.html or this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm_F64m0p6I or even this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5d4Qnc3O40 . (NOTE: These were all events I founded, orchestrated, and assisted in producing because I knew the communities needed them.)

I, then, continued into the wilderness and discovered politics was nothing like I thought it would be. People should remember, I am a grassroots community organizer / event coordinator who has been independent and self-sufficient.There is no group or organization that I have a relationship with that I could call on or who, more importantly, am beholden to, yet, I knew how to create community awareness about my campaign without the "big bucks" because, basically, I had to use the same formula for my business. It seems to have left many people scratching their heads and wondering how I could be making so much traction in the political arena without the endorsement or funding from the "powers that be" ?  I guess ignorance is bliss, in this circumstance, because I was raised believing "Can't never could", "Impossible is nothing", and "Failure is not an option."; so when professional campaign  managers told me there was no way I could win without this budget, that mailing, or those signs, I respectfully nodded my head and continued to plow through.

Who would have guessed that television appearances, public meetings, press conferences, blog write-ups, and internet interviews would cause people to take notice and actually invest in my campaign? I, also, attracted two other political newcomers:
 Kim Velez / https://www.facebook.com/KimVelezForAllentownCityCouncil?ref=ts&fref=ts and
 David Melman / https://www.facebook.com/DavidMelmanForAllentownCityCouncil?fref=ts . We agreed to form a slate and other interested parties created a PAC which assisted us in getting yard signs and professional flyers. It's funny how things tend to come together.... And THAT, is why I tend to be a problem to many.

I am not supposed to exist. I am an anomally. I didn't come up through the political ranks and pay my dues. I am too much of a wild card and may be a little too spontaneous for many. I don't subscribe to the look and feel of a politician that many have come to expect over the years, nor do I, honestly, want to. 

Allentown, PA is changing and the time for "playing games" with its' citizens should be over. There are too many projects and opportunities materializing  for the public not to be involved. As City Councilman, I am going to stay accessible to the citizens, keep them informed of City council decisions, engage the ones who have grown skeptical of our City's government, and include the opinions / thoughts of the residents in all of the decisions that will be made. I will always remember that I am beholden to the public and am their servant, because, although, I may be a community leader, it is the community that makes me so. 

Friday, May 17, 2013


This picture is worth ONE THOUSAND words! After City Officials decided, at the last minute, not to come and do RCMoore unique/the goodbuy girls / Rcmooreunique event, my associate Lisa Wright-Jaawani, and I stepped in and organized an AWESOME and well attended GRAND OPENING / RIBBON CUTTING. And to add to the mix, The Nazareth Chamber President, Tina Smith, actually came and supplied us with giant golden scissors and ribbon. Plus, Michael Donovan, graciously, agreed to officiate the event. TRUE COMMUNITY COLLABORATION at its' best.... Because EVERYONE deserves a ribbon cutting.... 'WHILE OTHERS TALK, WE DO...."www.votealfonsotodd.com

Monday, May 6, 2013

Melman, Todd, And Velez Become Slate For Allentown City Council Run‏‏



(Press Release) - May 5, 2013 - City Council Candidates David Melman, Alfonso Todd, and Kim Velez are pleased to announce they have combined resources to become a slate during the last three weeks of their campaign run for that Allentown City Council.
The candidates met last week with other community leaders and decided to consolidate their efforts in order to spread their message of GOVERNMENT TRANSPARENCY, COMMUNITY INCLUSIVENESS, and CITY ENGAGEMENT. They want the Public to be aware that they are the candidates that will fight for the residents rights to be included in City government decisions, provide them with transparent administration, and ensure they stay engaged with the public to whom they serve. 

Since the agreement, Melman,Todd, and Velez have been heeding the advice of experienced campaign strategists, cultivating volunteers, and coordinating awareness events for the public as they prepare for the Primary vote on May 21, 2013. 

You can learn more about each candidate by visiting

https://www.facebook.com/DavidMelmanForAllentownCityCouncil?fref=ts - Phone# 610.730.6215

https://www.facebook.com/votealfonsotodd?fref=ts - Phone# 484.619.6541

https://www.facebook.com/KimVelezForAllentownCityCouncil?fref=ts - Phone# 610.417.4608
For more information, contact 484.201.9559.