Tuesday, January 31, 2012


(This was an actual response I gave on a popular blog in the Lehigh Valley entitled, LEHIGH VALLEY RAMBLINGS. It was founded by Bernie 'O Hare and always has great topics and investigative reporting)

"ACTUALLY, "FDAA and FRIENDS", (anonymous opinionated bloggers with opinions) the blogosphere DOES have alot more power than YOU believe or you wouldn't be posting comments in as many relevant locations as possible. I am not like Bernie O' Hare of the blog, Lehigh Valley Ramblings, because in my mind, it really doesn't matter who you are because your propaganda is becoming more and more transparent. I really kinda feel bad for all the "powers that be" involved because although the arena WILL be built and projects WILL be completed, reputations ARE tarnished and trust HAS been lost. In the beginning FDAA led the rallying call and recruited others into thinking this arena project was the savior for A-town, now I see less enthusiastic posts. In fact, many have become silent; maybe they are having second thoughts? It's funny, because for something that is supposed to be for the good of the CITY, it definitely is leaving a bad taste in alot of people's mouths. Whether paid or unpaid "FDAA and Friends", you all are entitled to your opinion and continue to preach how we are just crazy bloggers who hate progress and want that old A-town back, when in fact, with developing sinkholes, deadly gas explosions, shootings, business loss, small town politics, and poverty, we would just be glad to have a DECENT A-town to live in..."

Alfonso Todd


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