Tuesday, May 12, 2009


So, I am OFFICIALLY back in action, when it comes to dancing! I am sure many of you have seen my dancing video on YouTUBE and if not, go check it out in this month's LEHIGH VALLEY FLAVOR (www.lehighvalleyflavor.piczo.com). It's just a little "sumthin'sumthin'" I am doing to inspire the young people in the community to get involved and stay away from the negative influences. (I have to give a "shout out" to MY inspiration, Ms. KiKi and the 2 HOT 2 HANDLE Crew, who not only implemented this same plan, but won the NATIONAL DANCE COMPETITION in Hershey Park! She is DEFINITELY making things happen!!)
As for me, I have a crew now too! We are "unofficially" known as THE CRUSADERS OF HIP HOP. A couple of us recently did a performance at the Flower, Flea, and Art Market last Saturday. The adults and children really seemed to enjoy it and we actually received offers for future "paid" appearances. Not bad for a child of the
70's !!!
Catch us THIS weekend in the INTERNATIONAL PEACE PARADE on Sunday, May 17th. It is a historic event that will feature a representation of many of the different cultures that reside in Allentown. Dont' miss it!

Now, for an UPDATE on the weekly "PROTECT THE HOOD" meetings: All is going well and the discussions have been getting very "deep". In fact, we have already implemented a plan of action to create a dialogue with the City so that we can, hopefully, prevent alot of the Summer violence that could occur. We have had the pleasure of being visited by City officials and school administrators who are actually interested in making sure Allentown becomes a better place for future generations. Oh, and by the way, we decided to change the name of the organization. It is no longer "PROTECT THE HOOD", it is now "ALLENTOWN UNITED". Watch out for us, because it is a movement that is LONG overdue...


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