Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Relax, people! I am not about to jump on the bandwagon and write about the Obama/ Gates issue. Why? Because as a Black man, I don't have to look at the news and see how people's judgements and preconceived notions tend to taint their everyday decisions in life. The only true concern I have is what will people take away from this incident ?
The reason I ask this is because I am very concerned about how the issue of race is popping up all over the media and yet people are still saying that since Obama was elected, we are closer to a "color-blind" society. If only that were true....
I believe since Obama was elected, it has given alot of people a platform to say some of the vilest comments publicly without any threat of condemnation, because the thought process is "How can they be racist since we have a Black president now ? That person is just using their God-given right and voicing their opinion."
So now, Black Pride is under attack, Latin Pride is under attack, ANY pride unless it is American Pride, is under attack and if you aren't careful, you CAN and WILL be called un-American for your thoughts or ideals. Ask Judge Sotomayer.



1 comment:

PavlovsDog said...

The lowbrow populous of America does not needed a mullato president to spew their ignorance and hatred. Racism is unfortunately a human trait, that of which will continue so long has homosapiens populate this beautiful planet we call home.

I think it is difficult for the majority to understand the common bonds and practices of the minority.

A former colleague of mine and I had a discussion one time about Gay Pride parades. She stated that she has nothing against 'gays' but 'they' don't need to shove it in her face. First of all, pride parades, be it sexual orientation or ethnic background,or even physical impairment, are not about shoving it in anyone's face. It's about a group of people with a common link getting together to celebrate eachother.

I've always wondered why some think that ethnic pride, particularly when it comes to people of color, is racist. It's not racist. The KKK is racist. The White Supremacist Movement is racist.The Mujahideen is racist.

Groups like that are racist becuase they preach SUPERIORITY coupled with HATRED(and violence)!

"ANY pride unless it is American Pride, is under attack and if you aren't careful, you CAN and WILL be called un-American for your thoughts or ideals. Ask Judge Sotomayer. " The one who calls someone un-American for voicing their opinion or celebrating heritage is the true TRAIOR.

Might I emplore people to read the most important documents in the hisotry of this country inclusive the Articles of Confederation, Federalist Papers and the United States Constitution.