Wednesday, June 4, 2014

How to Identify a Low Quality or Knock Off Laundry Ball

Priced at less than $20.00 

The raw minerals in the ceramics and a durable non-toxic enclosure are not cheap, so if a laundry ball retails at less than $20.00 USD, chances are it’s an imitation. We have found that many cheap laundry balls are mixed with chemicals (see Added Fragrances below) to reduce the cost of the raw materials in the active ceramics and increase profits. The vast majority of these laundry balls are sold on Amazon and eBay.

Limited Information

The website only provides a picture and small paragraph about the product, but no information on the amount or types of ceramics, their active ingredients, functions or any picture of the ceramics. If the seller cannot provide the ingredients or MSDS, either they know nothing about the technical specifications of the product or are deliberately hiding the ingredients used.

Added Fragrances

The fact that some of these imitation laundry balls come with a ‘fragrance’ such as lemon, is a clear indication that there are added chemicals on the ceramics. Many of these fake laundry balls are sold on Amazon, therefore limited information is available to the customer about its active ingredients.

There are less than 2 types of ceramics

These are often the worst knock-offs and contain inactive / inert ceramics.

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