Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Relax, people! I am not about to jump on the bandwagon and write about the Obama/ Gates issue. Why? Because as a Black man, I don't have to look at the news and see how people's judgements and preconceived notions tend to taint their everyday decisions in life. The only true concern I have is what will people take away from this incident ?
The reason I ask this is because I am very concerned about how the issue of race is popping up all over the media and yet people are still saying that since Obama was elected, we are closer to a "color-blind" society. If only that were true....
I believe since Obama was elected, it has given alot of people a platform to say some of the vilest comments publicly without any threat of condemnation, because the thought process is "How can they be racist since we have a Black president now ? That person is just using their God-given right and voicing their opinion."
So now, Black Pride is under attack, Latin Pride is under attack, ANY pride unless it is American Pride, is under attack and if you aren't careful, you CAN and WILL be called un-American for your thoughts or ideals. Ask Judge Sotomayer.



Wednesday, July 22, 2009


"Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.'

- Kahlil Gibran

It's been two weeks since the event UPWARD BOUND, ALLENTOWN II. There have been alot of accolades, thank-you's, congratulatons, offered opportunities, and one or two complaints. I guess when it is all said and done, BLURB Media/Promotions has created one of the most OFFICIAL "UNOFFICIAL" annual events in A-town!
I mean, to be honest, I don't see how they did it. Ben, Christina, and Alfonso actually made it happen that day! Live music, food, children's events, and more lined up on Hamilton between 6th and 7th Street. It was a spectacle to behold as different nationalities came together with their families to enjoy the multi-cultural celebration in Downtown Allentown! All I can say is, see you all next year!

A key point that REALLY needs to be made, though, is that Center City and the surrounding neighborhoods need MORE events like this. There are families in various income brackets that inhabit this city and they deserve a quality event just as much as the next town!
There was dancing in the streets, laughing between neighbors, and the rumor is that over 500 people came through that day! So, if a beginning company can bring together small and large businesses/organizations, local and regional quality entertainment, and have a family event with not one hint of violence among a gathering of us so-called "thugs, criminals, and animals" of Allentown, then I KNOW others can do the same.

People are ALREADY asking what's next for BLURB Media/Promotions? Well, they would only tell me that it is another event they plan to do annually that will, eventually, put Allentown, PA in the regional, and, ultimately, national and international spotlight. They want to create an event that will bring people to
A-town and create income for the hotels, eating establishments, retail businesses, and the nightlife. BLURB wants to do something that EVERYONE keeps TALKING about, but not actually DOING. They know it will take time but it's okay. They will cultivate their idea until it grows and takes a life of its' own. How do you think Musikfest, Mayfair, Sportsfest, and even the Allentown Fair got started? They ALL began with a thought and a plan.


Yo, Ben, Christina, and Alfonso, KEEP IT MOVIN' !


Saturday, July 4, 2009


I have just received word that football great Steve McNair was found dead. He was shot in the head. People, what is THIS world coming to?
So, now as I try to refocus my thoughts on the upcoming event, UPWARD BOUND, ALLENTOWN II, I feel a sense of dread because the murder, mayhem, and craziness is slowly but surely beginning to find its' way to A-town and this is why, my boy, Alfonso, created this event in the first place. It was to bring people together and celebrate community. It has been a hard road for us all for the past couple of months, but here is a random thought I just happened to pull "out of my hat". It can either be taken to heart or taken like a grain of salt, either way, make sure and TAKE IT!


This is the second year of the development of a celebration for a city that desperately needs something to celebrate about. The whole nation is under going a transformation when it comes to job loss, family restructuring, government resources, etc and Allentown, PA was not left untouched.

We are struggling with many of the problems major cities have endured but at a smaller scale; and yet, while we may not be as notorious as New York, Philadelphia, or Miami, our quality of life is still being threatened.

THIS is the reason why this event had to be created and put forth despite the lack of support we received from many organizations. We understood that the funding was "JUST WAS NOT THERE" and heard every reason why many could not participate in some form or fashion. Many didn't see the value, others didn't like the bottom line, and others just didn't agree with the concept. Either way, we pushed forward and found those businesses and individuals who knew NOTHING was more important to this City than the residents themselves. We, also, verified that UPWARD BOUND, ALLENTOWN II is an event that was created FOR the community and supported BY the community and are extremely proud of this.

So, THANK-YOU to ALL who helped make this day possible.

"We need to be the change we wish to see in the world"


BLURB Media/Promotions

"While Others TALK, We DO...."
